The Gita, A Timeless Treasure for all Mankind

The Gita, A Timeless Treasure for all Mankind

वसुदेव सुतं देवं, कंस चाणूर मर्धनं,
देवकी परमानन्दं, कृष्णं वन्दे जगत गुरुं॥

Accolades to the Guru of this world, Krishna; the son of Vasudev, who is the slayer of Kansa and Chanura and who is the source of immense happiness to Devaki.

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most iconic texts. It is a highly revered song sung by God Himself. Almost every verse of the sacred text holds the key to personal transformation. The divine scripture works like an encyclopedia and a Guru for such seekers who understand that indeed this mind is a battlefield and they have to win over it.
For its applicability, the incredible scripture has been translated into multiple languages. It acquaints people across the world with the rich Indian culture and history. It is a practical guide for all mankind from common men to intellectuals to the great saints and scientists. This makes it an amazing scripture of dialogues.

The Gita Does Not Instigate any Battle

Although the backdrop of the sacred text is a battlefield yet it was not meant to initiate a war. It was meant to raise the consciousness of ordinary human beings making it a text rich in symbolism.

Mahabharat, as anyone may perceive, happens in everybody’s life sometimes. Kauravas and Pandavas live in everybody’s mind making it a battlefield. You have to fight this war with the help of your senses and the mind. You should control your senses and not let them control you otherwise your situation may be similar to that of Duryodhana- a misguided person who ruined his life under the influence of desire, greed, jealousy, and hatred.
The Sacred Text works as a guidebook giving a logical overview of the battle of life. It shows diverse approaches to life’s dilemmas and offers advice guiding all what to do and what not in a tough situation.

Further, in most of the places, the text is not about deeper elements of philosophy or mysticism rather it’s about how to live life practically in a world that is often troubled with grave challenges.

The Key to Self-Transformation

With over 200,000 verses, the Bhagavad Gita is often cited as a scripture that holds the key to personal transformation at various levels- mental, attitudinal, personal, and also professional. It is timeless in the fact that it’s relevant whether it’s an ancient age, or the modern age.

And the most interesting aspect of the Bhagavad Gita is that it’s highly emblematic and looks like solving problems of just anybody’s life. It can easily be related to everyone’s battle enabling them to overcome anxieties, self-doubt, or any other complex situation.

A Scripture of Global Prominence

The Bhagavad Gita, moreover, is used as a problem-solver, not just in India but all over the world. Prominent authors like John Keats and Henry David Theroux and even great music composer Beethoven took guidance from it. And of course, Mahatma Gandhi was a key personality who considered it to be a crucial component in finding his purpose in life.

The amazing text helps seekers take an inward journey and come out having discovered a positive self, ready to meet the challenges of the world.

Make Your Life Purposeful!

Hence, for living a life with clarity, discipline, strength, integrity, and kindness and finding the purpose of your life, read the Bhagavad Gita. Cast aside all your doubts and develop self-belief by using the wisdom lying in it. Take guidance from it regularly and if you get a chance, do listen to the Saints and intellectuals speaking on the topic of the Gita.

Listening and inculcating the knowledge described in the beautiful Song by Lord Krishna will make your life purposeful and successful for sure.

Listen Maharajshri Discourse on Gita Ka Amrit Gyan on YouTube

Current Event:

गीता जयंती समारोह 2021 – Know details here


  1. Gita has actually transformed me, believe me! As guided by you I just surrender my day to Krishna as Arjun did. Everything thereafter is an example of success and satisfaction. Om Guruve Namah

  2. Krishna’s Gita is the solution to all problems, you name it. By surrendering to Him like Arjun did, we become carefree. He will take care of us; let there be no doubt about it. Arjun had doubts too but they were removed. Jai Yogeshwar

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