From Forgiveness to Happiness: (A Path to Eternal Joy) | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

From Forgiveness to Happiness: (A Path to Eternal Joy) | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

From Forgiveness to Happiness

Learning to forgive help in unknotting the knots of mistrust, disrespect, confusion, conflict faster, and the river of life continues to flow
unhindered and smoothly. Those who forgive are remembered for a long time. They get blessed. Forgiveness is a very difficult task or trait. It is very hard to forgive because you yourself are unable to forgive. Once you learn to forgive, the feeling of forgiveness emerges within your heart and your personality undergoes a tremendous change. It creates happiness all around you. Those who have no capacity to forgive, they continue to simmer in the fire of hatred. The guilt never goes out of their minds. They remain always ready to take revenge and anxiously wait for an opportunity to strike; they can never lead a tension-free life; they cannot have a peaceful sleep; they cannot eat properly; they generate a lot of bitterness in their families. Such a person cannot move in the society with his head held high.

It should be remembered that to forgive is a bliss. It is an act of God that emerges when forgiveness is given. It is a divine gift. The
mind becomes calm, clean, and tranquil. The status of the person who forgives goes up. Only great people can forgive. It is very easy to
punish someone but it is well-neigh difficult to forgive someone. A lot of patience and courage is needed to forgive someone. It is a step towards cultivating happiness in life.

Happiness is embedded in Yourself
It has been aptly said that one need not go to any saint or to any temple to seek happiness in life. It is embedded in yourself – just have a look at yourself and you will then discover the storehouse of happiness. Forgiveness and being thankful are the two points that generate
happiness in life. To forgive someone brings a lot of satisfaction and happiness. Similarly, expressing thankfulness to someone makes your heart light and you feel happy. Be kind and courteous, then happiness will emerge from within. It is a trait that one should cultivate by himself and within himself – it is not a commodity that needs to be bought from the market. Happiness is a gift of God – happiness is divine. Happiness builds bridges – bridges of cohesion, bridges of cooperation, bridges of trust, and bridges of a long-lasting relationship. It is a gift which one should possess and a nurse with great care. Once embedded in the personality, it does not disappear – it remains engrained firmly in the personality and helps you to earn the love and respect of everyone. Sadguru is the one who teaches us how to cultivate happiness in life – follow him, observe him and listen to him. Happiness is the gift which is given by God only to the very few chosen ones, and you, are the chosen one. Get it, nourish it, keep it and do not let it fritter away. It is a divine asset.

Happiness is a feeling of contentment.

Perfect happiness or enlightenment comes when you have all your needs satisfied. Perfect happiness is hard to achieve and even harder to maintain. The secret of happiness lays in building a strong inner self that no trial or hardship could ruin. Happiness for anyone does not come simply from having a formal education, from wealth or from marriage. It begins with having the strength to confront and conquer one’s own weaknesses. Only then does it become possible to lead a truly happy and enjoyable life.

The philosophy of happiness is the philosophical concern with the existence, nature, and attainment of happiness. Philosophically, happiness can be understood as the moral goal of life or as an aspect of chance; indeed, in most European languages the term happiness is
synonymous with luck. More than anybody else, happiness depends on our own self. Aristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life required the fulfillment of a broad range of conditions, including physical as well as mental well-being. Happiness is also an outcome of the satisfaction of the spiritual hunger of your soul. A frustrated or injured soul and mind cannot justify the onset of happiness in a human being – both need to be in a state of peace. Satisfaction from hunger –any kind of hunger – results in happiness depending on the level of satisfaction. According to Aristotle, the most important factor in the effort to achieve happiness is to have a good moral character. Happiness is a blend of compassion and kindness. Happiness once ingrained in the mind cannot be erased easily. It becomes a part of behavior and personality.

Understand that one must know God to understand Happiness Every creature desires happiness. Everyone is so different from one
another. All look different; have distinct tastes; think differently, but all want only happiness. All are part of God, and every part desires to
unite with the whole. Being a part of God, all desire to unite with Him. Vedas tell us that God is happiness and that the soul can attain happiness only by attaining God. This is the reason we should know God. Through God, we will attain genuine happiness; happiness that is unending, everlasting, and ever-increasing. For Buddha, the path to happiness starts with an understanding of the root causes of suffering. Buddhism pursues happiness by using knowledge and practice to achieve mental equanimity. In Buddhism, equanimity, or peace of mind, is achieved by detaching oneself from the cycle of craving that produces dukkha (sorrow). So, by achieving a mental
state where you can detach from all the passions, needs, and wants of life, you free yourself and achieve a state of transcendent bliss and wellbeing.

Lord Buddha had said:

“Happiness depends solely on what you think.” Joy is an emotion, and emotions are wordless. They’re pure physical sensations in our bodies. We express the emotion of joy in many physical ways. For example, we jump for joy when we win a hard-fought competition, or we double over in uncontrollable laughter when someone relates a hilarious story. We squeal with delight after getting a surprise gift. We feel buoyant and jubilant on a beautiful sunny day. When we feel joy, we feel great about ourselves. We feel confident, powerful, capable, lovable, and fulfilled. These are all good reasons to experience more joy in our life.

There is tremendous pleasure in sharing happiness. It can be shared in the following ways:
A). Make others happy: When you are happy, you can try to make others happy in your own small ways. A simple smile to a stranger or a generous donation to the ones who are needy is a gesture of happiness. Who knows, you may have given others a chance to be happy too with such small gestures.
B.)  Share your happiness: Treat your close friends to a party or take your parents out for dinner to share your happiness. Doubtless, when happiness is shared, it certainly is doubled. And when you share it with people whom you know and love, your heart will surely soar with happiness. So, do not hesitate to share your happiness with your loved ones.
C.) Write it down: Make a note of your happy moments and the reason for it. You could write it in a notebook. This is just to ensure that when you read what you had written will cheer you up. Ensure that you write the date, time and place with detailed information. This will help you revive your happy memory with ease and clarity. Remember, everyone here in this world is facing some sort of problem and as soon as one problem ends, the other starts. But happiness is also present there. We just have to change our perception of life. We just
have to learn, how to enjoy little moments of life.
D.)  Forgiveness lowers stress and anxiety. People who are more forgiving in nature tend to live longer. Relationships with loved ones
will improve significantly. Forgiveness can open the way to constructive feelings like understanding, empathy, compassion, and kindness. As has been said: “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”– Robert Muller Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.

Lord Buddha
It is, therefore, essential that our mind should remain cool and our actions balanced. Happiness is the nectar (Amrit) and it should not only be preserved but enhanced to sweeten our lives. One can find happiness anywhere, near you, far away from you and within you if you have an open mind and positive thoughts. A closed mind would not enable you to look beyond yourself. You will not see anything else except darkness. Remember that you alone can make yourself happy. If you are not happy with yourself, you won’t attract affection and attention. Happiness does not come to you by achieving something big or exceptional. Little things also can bring joy and happiness. You can find something to be happy about every day, anytime, and anywhere. Appreciate what you have. This feeling would diminish your anxieties. Being satisfied with what you already have is the real source of creating the environment of happiness around you. Happiness comes from living in the moment. Happiness cannot be based on a future event. You feel happy when you help others. Happiness is life’s most cherished goal. Happiness is the goal that makes other life goals – like success, prosperity, and relationships – feel meaningful and enjoyable.

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