Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

April 17, 2020
Threads of Infatuation | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Raga and Dwesha | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

During our worldly pursuits, we develop a strong desire to acquire and posses certain things and attempt to fulfill those desires by performing certain actions. The […]
April 15, 2020
चिंता चीता के समान

चिंता चिता समान | आत्मचिंतन के सूत्र- 9 | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

चिंता चिता समान चिंता है दीमक जो 100 दिन में ही बड़े से बड़े पेड़ को भी गिरा देती है! चिंता से भागा नहीं जाता…चिंता आती […]
April 14, 2020
Weave your Life Creatively

Weave your Life Creatively | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

God advises that you should consider this world like the sky of your life and a journey to the realms of the sky. In this world […]
April 13, 2020
The Gita Triumph of Dharma over Adharma

The Gita Triumph of Dharma over Adharma | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

The Gita is that holy scripture which is held in the highest regard all around the world. It has been translated into many languages also, whereby […]
April 11, 2020

Identify The Obstacles Which Hamper | Attainment of the AIM | Sudhanshu Ji Mharaj

A demerit is a demerit, and an obstacle is an obstacle. Do not take into account whether the demerit is of a low level or of […]