Luck Favours the Brave like The Olympians | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Luck Favours the Brave like The Olympians | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Luck Favours the Brave like The Olympians

देहि सौभाग्यं आरोग्यं देहि में परमं सुखम्‌। रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषोजहि॥

This is a powerful Mantra to invite Saubhagya (good fortune), good health, charisma, riches, eminence, and fame to life. Chant it with the reverence to Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva, but along with that also keep moving forward on your ‘Karm Path’ with the help of hard work and determination. It is inevitable that good fortune will not come knocking at your doorstep.

And when it comes to ‘good fortune’, a lot can be learned from our Olympians. For the moment of ‘fortune’ they prepare with their sweat and blood for many years.

Failures don’t disappoint them. They keep toiling hard. When they win, they capture the attention of the whole country and when they lose, they fill people with inspiration and respect. Indeed, even their failures are inspiring.

So, do not lament over your so-called missed moment of fame. You tried your best but you may not have total control on the past sequence of events in your life. Start thinking about how to move beyond this point and how to make this moment great. It doesn’t matter how educated you are or how old you are. Never say, what can I do with my life now, I am in my 50s, 60s, or 70s; what kind of destiny can I create now?

Understand that destiny is not just about money. There are eight forms of Lakshmi and each form has the power to embellish your life.

1 Adi Lakshmi

Helps people realize their goals by providing them the resources they need.

  1. Dhanya Lakshmi

The riches of food, the blessed fortune of agricultural wealth.

  1. Dhana Lakshmi

Money and also qualities like courage, determination, willpower, and perseverance.

  1. Santana Lakshmi

Progeny, or children that symbolize the wealth of fruitfulness.

  1. Gaja Lakshmi

The wealth of cattle or sovereignty.

  1. Vidya Lakshmi

The wealth of intellect.

  1. Veera Lakshmi

Strength to overcome obstacles on the path of material and spiritual goals.

  1. Vijaya Lakshmi

The wealth of ‘Victory’ that gives inspiration and hope to people.

Therefore, keep this in mind that ‘Saubhagya’ or Good Luck is not only about wealth and riches. There are diverse dimensions to it and every human being must endeavour to invite his or her good luck to life. It can transform life anytime.

We are seeing how ‘Vijaya Lakshmi’ is transforming lives of our athletes who are winning medals with an incredible show of grit, resilience and sporting spirit in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Each of these victories is showing the importance of patience & hard work.

Moreover, there are also examples when people started amazing businesses in their 60s and 70s. Know that, the bigger you are, the bigger will be your challenges.

So, never lose hope and keep trying to invite your good luck to your life.


1 Be Creative

If you know how to live a life truly no one can stop you from having an amazing life. You must have heard an inspiring story about this inspiring lady from Kerala who has developed a lush green forest in her village all by herself. When people proposed rewards for her efforts, she said, I don’t need any because this forest is my reward. My reward is birds taking shelter here and the beauty of this forest.

So, that lady has generated her luck with the help of hard work and creativity. Such is the power of creativity. It brings good luck to your doorstep. Try to do something new every day; pray to God for bestowing good luck upon you and along with that also seek the ability to work hard.

2. Be Energetic

Stay focused on eating healthy, exercising, having a sound sleep and working hard. Learn to work stress free and enjoy whatever you do. Your energy level in the morning and in the evening should be the same. This will come with a healthy balanced and sattvic lifestyle.

3. Believe in Today

Always believe that ‘now’ is the right time. Neither your past was yours nor your future will be your own, all you have is, ‘today’. Give your one hundred percent to it. Learn as much as you can, give your best to this day, don’t regret for the past and don’t worry for the future. Your today’s actions will help you create a bright future.

4. Be Happy

Awaken your inner happiness and feel the bliss. Do not give in to societal pressure and daily stress. Just be happy with yourself and your Karma. When you are happy, you are the richest person in the whole world. No riches can be compared to this feeling. God has provided you with this divine beauty and life; He wants you to be happy with it. Do not disappoint Him. Keep the stress away and stay happy. If you have learned this art of staying happy, believe that it is His greatest blessing and your good luck.

So, while moving on the path of life, never feel disappointed and never think that it’s too late now. You can transform your life anytime like an Olympian. Keep working hard, be kind to yourself, and believe in God. Your Good Luck will find you sooner or later.

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