February 17, 2020
Sources of self-reflection

जीवन के पौधे को शांति के जल से सींचना सीखो | आत्मचिंतन के सूत्र- 1 | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

* जीवन के पौधे को शांति के जल से सींचना सीखो सुख से पहले आनी चाहिए शांति। शांति वहां आती है जहां संतुलन है, जहां सुव्यवस्था […]
February 14, 2020
Love is more than an Emotion

Love is more than an Emotion | Shudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Every breath we take is a gift of God’s love. Every moment of our existence is god’s grace. Love is a beautiful feeling that express honesty, […]
February 8, 2020
India is regarded as the Land of Saints

India is regarded as the Land of Saints | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

India is regarded as the Land of Saints. From time to time many spiritual saints have taken birth on this land. They all had one common […]
January 29, 2020
Vasant Panchami 2020 Celebrating the Power of Wisdom | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Vasant Panchami Celebrating the Power of Wisdom

As Diwali, the festival of light, is to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and as Navaratri is to Durga, goddess of power. So is Vasant Panchami to […]
January 23, 2020
Education Empowers International Day Of Education

Education Empowers | International Day Of Education | 2020

The humans on this planet have made significant progress in the past many million years. From being the stone craving to now being jet-setting futurists, we […]